B.A./B.S. in Anthropology

Engage in meaningful study about human life, from our hominid origins millions of years ago to the wide-ranging spectrum of populations in the world today. Anthropology is the study of all aspects of human existence.

About the Major

In the School of Anthropology, undergraduate students can pursue a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology. You will learn to ask questions about essential components of the human experience, such as language, cultural development, environment and biology.

The coursework relies on an integrated approach that focuses on four sub-disciplines: archaeology and biological, linguistic, and sociocultural anthropologies.

SBS Majors: Anthropology

Learn more about undergraduate studies in Anthropology from students in the department!

Areas of Study

Anthropology uses comparative, multifaceted, cross-cultural approaches to observe, record and analyze similarities and differences among societies, languages and cultures in many environments and time periods, from the time of our hominin ancestors to the present day.

B.A. in Anthropology

Students in this Bachelor of Arts program learn to ask questions about essential components of the human experience, such as language, cultural development, environment and biology. Guided by respected anthropologists, students hone their ability to describe, interpret and predict human behavior, a skill applicable to industries as far-reaching as journalism and technology.

Within the B.A. degree in Anthropology, students can focus on the subfield that interests them the most: archaeology, sociocultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or biological anthropology. They can do this by selecting classes mostly from that subfield.

B.S. in Anthropology, Archaeological Science Emphasis

Focus your anthropology studies on the scientific aspects of the field, specializing in data collection and analysis, fieldwork and archaeological methods. The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeological Sciences is intended for those students who seek to focus particularly upon the scientific side or archaeological interpretation.

Students in this program take traditional science classes, such as biology, chemistry and physics, in order to build a foundation for the in-depth study of archaeological methods. Students sharpen analytical skills, develop logical arguments based on sound data and learn to understand the current human condition from the perspective of the hard sciences.

B.S. in Anthropology, Human Biology Emphasis

Focus your anthropology studies on the human body and its relationship to society and how one affects the other, evolutionary changes, global diseases and more. The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with an emphasis in Human Biology helps students forge a path in various roles in the fields of human and animal medicine: doctor, nurse, midwife, veterinarian, zoologist.

As a science degree, coursework includes classes such as biology and chemistry. Students not only acquire the science-based skills of conducting research and engaging in critical thinking, but they also learn to communicate cross-culturally and understand contemporary social issues and and in one of the top anthropology programs in the country.


Director, Undergraduate Studies
Emma Blake, ecblake@arizona.edu

Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Studies
Sandra Holm, sholm@email.arizona.edu

Declare your major


Want to learn more?

See this quick overview of majoring in Anthropology at the University of Arizona!

Anthropology Overview Presentation

Degree Requirements

Required core courses introduce students to each subfield and build academic foundations for subsequent in-depth study. Each course surveys theories, methods and current information relevant to the subfield.

See Degree Requirements

Career Pathways

A B.A. or B.S. in Anthropology will prepare you for a variety of career fields, including academia, journalism, social work, law and advocacy. Many of our graduates have gone on to become museum curators, archaeologists, international and community developers, and government service workers.

Potential Careers

  • Archaeologist
  • Curator
  • Historic preservationist
  • Humanitarian aid worker
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Professor