T. J. Ferguson

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Chair Emeritus, University Indian Ruins Preservation and Management Committee

About T. J. Ferguson

T. J. Ferguson is an archaeologist in the School of Anthropology, where he coordinates the MA in Applied Archaeology program and serves as the editor of the Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona. Dr. Ferguson specializes in collaborative research with Native Americans needed for implementation of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. He also conducts ethnohistorical research for tribes for use in land and water rights litigation. Dr. Ferguson applies cultural landscape theory in his research, and is interested in changing patterns of settlement and land use in the Southwest. 

Selected Publications

Colwell, Chip, and T. J. Ferguson, 2017, Tree-Ring Dates and Navajo Settlement Patterns in Arizona. American Antiquity 82(1):25–49.

Hopkins, Maren P., Stewart Koyiyumptewa, Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma, and T. J. Ferguson, 2016, Comprehending Hopi Footprints: Hopi History and Traditions at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument. Journal of Arizona Archaeology 4(1):50–59.

Hopkins, Maren P., Chip Colwell, and T. J. Ferguson, 2016, Laguna Sheepherding. Kiva 82(3):278–322.

Huckleberry, Gary, T. J. Ferguson, Tammy Rittenour, Christopher Banet, and Shannon Mahan, 2016, Identification and Dating of Indigenous Water Storage Reservoirs along the Rio San José at Laguna Pueblo, Western New Mexico, USA. Journal of Arid Environments 127:171–186.

Pailies, M. C., D. J. Killick, Barbara J. Mills, and T. J. Ferguson, 2015, Diabase Temper as a Marker for Laguna Ceramics. Kiva 80(3–4):282–303.

Ferguson, T. J., Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, and Maren P. Hopkins, 2015, Co-Creation of Knowledge by the Hopi Tribe and Archaeologists. Advances in Archaeological Practice 3(3):249–262.

Hedquist, Saul L., Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Wesley Bernardini, T. J. Ferguson, Peter M. Whiteley, and Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma, 2015, Mapping the Hopi Landscape for Cultural Preservation. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 6(1):40–59.

Hoerig, Karl A., John R. Welch, T. J. Ferguson, and Gabriella Soto, 2015, Expanding Toolkits for Heritage Preservation: The Western Apache Ethnography and Geographic Information Science Research Experience for Undergraduates. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 6(1):60–77.

Colwell, Chip, and T. J. Ferguson, 2014, The Snow-Capped Mountain and the Uranium Mine, Zuni Heritage and the Landscape Scale in Cultural Resource Management. Advances in Archaeological Practice 2(1):234–251.

Hedquist, Saul L., Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Peter M. Whiteley, Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma, Kenneth C. Hill, and T. J. Ferguson, 2014, Recording Toponyms to Document the Endangered Hopi Language. American Anthropologist 116(2):324–331.

Sheridan, Thomas E., Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Anton T. Daughters, T. J. Ferguson, Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, Dale S. Brenneman, and LeeWayne Lomayestewa, 2014, Moquis and Kastiilam: Coronado and the Hopis. Journal of the Southwest  55(4):377–434.

Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip, and T. J. Ferguson, 2010, Intersecting Magisteria, Bridging Archaeological Science and Traditional Knowledge. Journal of Social Archaeology 10(3):425–456.

Courses Taught

Anth 440A/540A, Cultural Resource Management

Areas of Study

Southwest US


Documentation of O'odham Trails at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, National Park Service.

Collection of Apache Oral History for Fort Bowie National Historic Site and Chiricahua National Monument, National Park Service.

Nomination of Atsinna Pueblo at El Morro National Monument to the National Register of Historic Places, Natoinal Park Service

Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Casa Grande National Monument, National Park Service

Ethnograpic Overview and Assessment of Flagstaff Monuments, National Park Service

National Register Nomination of the Grand Canyon as a Traditional Cultural Property, National Park Service

Research Interests

Social identity and cultural affiliation, NAGPRA, cultural landscapes, Western Pueblo settlement and land use.