Patrick D. Lyons

Selected Publications
Lyons, Patrick D., and Patricia L. Crown
2022 Macaws and Other Parrots from Pueblos in the Mountains of East-Central Arizona. In Birds of the Sun: Macaws and People in the U.S. Southwest and Mexican Northwest, edited by Christopher W. Schwartz, Stephen Plog, and Patricia A. Gilman, pp. 183-220. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Hays-Gilpin, Kelley A., Sarah A. Herr, and Patrick D. Lyons (editors)
2021 Engaged Archaeology in the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. University Press of Colorado, Louisville.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2021 Deciding Whether to Accept or Decline Collections: Legal, Ethical, and Practical Considerations at the Arizona State Museum. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 17(1):90-96.
Lyons, Patrick D. (editor)
2019 The Davis Ranch Site: A Kayenta Immigrant Enclave in Southeastern Arizona, by Rex E. Gerald. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Clark, Jeffery J., Jennifer A. Birch, Michelle Hegmon, Barbara J. Mills, Donna M. Glowacki, Scott G. Ortman, Jeffrey S. Dean, Rory Gauthier, Patrick D. Lyons, Matthew A. Peeples, Lewis Borck, and John A. Ware
2019 Resolving the Migrant Paradox: Two Pathways to Coalescence in the Late Precontact U.S. Southwest. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53:262-287.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2018 The Davis Ranch Site: A Kayenta Immigrant Enclave and A Hopi Footprint in Southeastern Arizona. In Footprints of Hopi History: Hopihiniwtiput Kukveni’at, edited by Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, T. J. Ferguson, and Chip Colwell, pp. 104-122. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Hill, J. Brett, Patrick D. Lyons, Jeffery J. Clark, and William H. Doelle
2015 The “Collapse” of Cooperative Hohokam Irrigation in the Lower Salt River Valley. Journal of the Southwest 57(4):609-674.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2015 A Behavioral Archaeology of Ancient Migrations. In Explorations in Behavioral Archaeology, edited by William H. Walker and James M. Skibo, pp. 37-51. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2014 Jeddito Yellow Ware, Migration, and the Kayenta Diaspora. Kiva 79(2):147-174.
Lyons, Patrick D., J. Brett Hill, and Jeffery J. Clark
2014 The Hohokam-Upper Piman Continuum Revisited. In Building Transnational Archaeologies: The 11th Southwest Symposium, Hermosillo, Sonora, México, edited by Elisa Villalpando and Randall H. McGuire, pp. 77-91. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 209. Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2013 By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them: The Pottery of Kinishba Revisited. In Kinishba Lost and Found: Mid-Century Excavations and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by John R. Welch, pp. 145-208. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 206. Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Clark, Jeffery J., and Patrick D. Lyons (editors)
2012 Migrants and Mounds: Classic Period Archaeology of the Lower San Pedro Valley. Anthropological Papers No. 45. Archaeology Southwest, Tucson.
Lyons, Patrick D., and Jeffery J. Clark
2012 A Community of Practice in Diaspora: The Rise and Demise of Roosevelt Red Ware. In Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest A.D. 1250 – 1700, edited by Linda S. Cordell and Judith Habicht-Mauche, pp. 19-33. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona No. 75. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Lyons, Patrick D., Jeffery J. Clark, and J. Brett Hill
2011 Ancient Social Boundaries Inscribed on the Landscape of the Lower San Pedro Valley. In Contemporary Archaeologies of the Southwest, edited by William H. Walker and Kathryn Venzor, pp. 175-196. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Lyons, Patrick D., J. Brett Hill, and Jeffery J. Clark
2011 Irrigation Communities and Communities in Diaspora. In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, edited by Margaret C. Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 375-401. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2010 Norton Allen’s Excavations in the San Pedro and Dripping Spring Valleys of Southeastern Arizona. Journal of the Southwest 52(2-3):323-361.
Lyons, Patrick D., and Arthur W. Vokes
2010 The Role of Fee Structures in Repository Sustainability. Heritage Management 3(2):213-232.
Lyons, Patrick D., J. Brett Hill, and Jeffery J. Clark
2008 Demography, Agricultural Potential, and Identity among Ancient Immigrants. In The Social Construction of Communities: Agency, Structure, and Identity in the Prehispanic Southwest, edited by Mark D. Varien and James M. Potter, pp. 191-213. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland.
Lyons, Patrick D., and Jeffery J. Clark
2008 Interaction, Enculturation, Social Distance, and Ancient Ethnic Identities. In Archaeology without Borders: Contact, Commerce, and Change in the U.S. Southwest and Northwestern Mexico, edited by Laurie D. Webster and Maxine E. McBrinn, pp. 185-207. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, and INAH, Chihuahua.
Lyons, Patrick D., and Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr.
2006 Perforated Plates and the Salado Phenomenon. Kiva 72(1):5-54.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2004 Jose Solas Ruin. Kiva 70(2):143-181.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2004 Cliff Polychrome. Kiva 69(4):361-400.
Lyons, Patrick D.
2003 Ancestral Hopi Migrations. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona No. 68. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Areas of Study
Southwest US, Northwest Mexico
Reanalysis and publication of the results of Rex E. Gerald's 1957 excavations, sponsored by the Amerind Foundation, at the Davis Ranch Site, a Kayenta immigrant enclave in the San Pedro River Valley of southeastern Arizona
Repatriation of human remains and funerary objects from the Grasshopper Region of east-central Arizona
Analysis of the more than 700 whole ceramic vessels recovered from Point of Pines Pueblo by the UA Archaeological Field School during the 1940s and 1950s
Research Interests
Late prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology of the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico; Hopi ethnography, history and ethnohistory; ceramic decorative and technological style; ceramic compositional analysis; museum-collections-based research; migration; diaspora; identity; the use of oral tradition in archaeological research