Martin H. Welker

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Assistant Curator of Zooarchaeology

Arizona State Museum 213-N

About Martin H. Welker

I am an anthropological archaeologist, specializing in zooarchaeology. I am currently the Assistant Curator of Zooarchaeology at the Arizona State Museum, and also an Assistant Professor of Anthropology in the School of Anthropology. My research focuses on human behavior and the mechanics of domestic animal management, and roles played by domesticates in human societies in the past. I am actively pursuing research on the detection of archaeological dog remains in the archaeological record, the roles dogs played in prehistoric and historic communities in North America, and the introduction, management, and ecological impacts of Eurasian domesticates in North America. I approach these reseach topics through a combination of zooarchaeology and morphometrics framed with ethnohistoric observations, quantitative modeling, and ecological theory. 

Selected Publications

Welker, M. H. 

2025. Zooarchaeological Analysis: The Curious Case of Canid Identification in the New World. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 17:20.

Byers, D. A., M. H. Welker, A. Semanko, D. Itie, S. Noe, J. Vasquez, I. Holland-Lulewicz, and S. B. McClure.

2024. Cranial Variability in North American Domestic and Wild Canids. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 57:104590

Welker, M. H. and N. M. Mathwich

2023. An Army Marches on Its Stomach: Comparing Military Provisioning across North American Eighteenth- and Nineteenth Century Forts. American Antiquity 88(2):207-226.

Welker, M. H. and A. Semanko

2023. Revisiting Harold S. Colton’s 1970 Analysis of Dogs in the Southwest. Kiva:1-19.

Welker, M. H., J. E. Hughes, and S. B. McClure 

2022. Cooperation and Cattle Herding in 18th Century Acadie: Implications for Prehistoric Agropastoralism. Journal of Ethnobiology 42(1):69-85. 

Welker, M. H. and E. M. Quintana Morales 

2022. Meta-Analysis of the North American Cod Fisheries: The Zooarchaeology of the 16th-19th Century Trans-Atlantic Cod Trade. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 

Welker, M. H. and J. E. Hughes 

2022. Military Provisioning at the Fortress of Louisbourg, Cape Breton, Canada: Animal Bone from the King’s Bastion Barracks. Northeast Historical Archaeology. 

Welker, M. H., E. K. Zavodny, S. B. McClure, E. Podrug, J. Jović, N. Triozzi, and D. J. Kennett. 

2022. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Development of Livestock Guarding Dogs on the Adriatic Coast of Croatia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42:103380. 

Welker, M. H., A. Foster, and E. Tourigny 

2021. Pioneering Poultry: A Morphometric Investigation of Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus) in Seventeenth- to Early Twentieth Century Eastern North America. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. 

Welker, M. H., D. A. Byers, and S. B. McClure 

2021. “I Wanna Be Your Dog”: Evaluating the Efficacy of Univariate and Multivariate Methods for Differentiating Domestic and Wild Canids in North America. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31(2):196-206. 

Welker, M. H. 

2021. Travois Transport and Field Processing: The Role of Dogs in Intermountain and Plains Food Transport. Human Ecology 49:721-733. 

Stephens, L., D. Fuller, N. Boivin, […], M. H. Welker [106] 

2019. Archaeological Assessment Reveals Earth’s Early Transformation Through Land Use. Science 365(6456):897-902. 

Lambert, P.M. and M. H. Welker 

2019. Revisiting Traumatic Injury Risk and Agricultural Intensification: Fracture Frequency at Cerro Oreja, Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169(37):143-151. 

Welker, M. H. and R. Dunham 

2019. Exploring the Introduction of European Dogs to North America Through Shoulder Height. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(2):325-334. 

Zavodny, E., S. B. McClure, M. H. Welker, B. J. Culleton, J. Balen, and D. J. Kennett 

2019. Stable Isotope Markers of Herd Management and the Development of Transhumance in Bronze-Iron Age Lika. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:1055-1065 

Welker, M. H. and D. A. Byers 

2019. The Birch Creek Canids and Dogs as Transport Labor in the Intermountain West. American Antiquity 84(1):88-106. 

Courses Taught

ANTH 326: Domestication: The Evolutionary Entanglements of Humans, Plants, and Animals

ANTH 472/572: Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy: Applications in Archaeological Science

Research Interests

Human-Environmental Interaction, Domestication, Colonization Events, Animal Translocation, Animal Management, Skeletal Morphometrics, Human Behavioral Ecology