Jie Gao

Marshall Building Room 456
About Jie Gao
Jie Gao is a Dual Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona. He studies transnational migration, entrepreneurship, and the informal economy in diasporic communities in the Middle East and North Africa. He is currently completing his dissertation project entitled “Chinese Entrepreneurs in the Far West: Morocco on the Frontier of Globalization.”
Courses Taught
As Instructor:
ANTH/SOC 310 Culture and the Individual (Summer 2023, Fall 2023, Summer 2024)
MENA 150C1 Islamic Civilization: Traditional and Modern Middle East (Summer 2021)
MENA 160A2 Middle Eastern Humanities (Summer 2020)
As Tutor/TA for the Arabic Flagship:
ARB 101, 102, 401 (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer 2020, Spring 2021)
MENA 160A2 Middle Eastern Humanities (Fall 2019, Spring 2020)
MENA 150C1 Islamic Civilization: Traditional and Modern Middle East (Fall 2020)
MENA/HIST/RELI 277A History of the Middle East 600-1453 CE (Fall 2021)
MENA/HIST/POL 484/584 The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1800-Present (Spring 2022)
Areas of Study
Morocco, Algeria, Anthropology of MENA, North African Studies, Social History, China-Arab Relations, China-Africa Relations