Elizabeth Eadie

About Elizabeth Eadie
I am a biological/evolutionary anthropologist. I started teaching at the University of Arizona in 2012 and worked as the laboratory manager for LEEP (Laboratory for the Evolutionary Endocrinology of Primates) from 2013 to 2015. Currently, my main focus is on teaching. I enjoy learning about and trying new teaching technologies and teaching strategies. Each semester my goals are to try and make my classes as interesting and as engaging as possible.
Selected Publications
E. Eadie. (2015). Ontogeny of foraging competence in capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) for easy versus difficult to acquire fruits: A test of the needing to learn hypothesis. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138001. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138001
Tecot, S, *Singletary, B, Eadie, E. (2015). Why “monogamy” isn’t good enough. American Journal of Primatology, Special Issue on Monogamy
Courses Taught
Anthropology 170C1 Human Variation in the Modern World
Anthropology 261: The Human Species: Heredity, Environment, and Behavior
Anthropology 265: Human Evolution
Anthropology 445A: Contemporary Approaches to Human Biology
Research Interests
Primate (both human and nonhuman) evolution, behavior, ecology, physiology, and life histories
Behavioral ecology