Colin Omilanowski
About Colin Omilanowski
Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Colin earned his BA in Classics and History from The College of Wooster. He attended the Post Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He obtained his MA in Classics with a focus on classical archaeology at the University of Arizona. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in the Mediterranean Archaeology program.
Colin has participated in archaeological excavations across Italy, Romania, Greece, and Portugal, focusing primarily on Roman sites. He is a member of the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project (Greece) and the Falerii Novi Project (Italy). Back in Tucson, he serves as a staff member at the Archaeological Mapping Lab working on initiatives such as the Corinth Computer Project, Digital Augustan Rome, the Mt. Lykaion Project, and the Parrhasian Heritage Park.
As a member of the Roman Provinces Project, an international collaboration aimed at creating open access archaeological guides for Roman provincial sites, Colin is co-developing a guide for the Roman frontier fortress Halmyris in modern-day Romania with Dr. Nathaniel Durant.
His scholarly interests include Roman urbanism, social memory and landscape theory, social networks, early Christianity, sacred architecture, and digital applications in archaeology. He is trained in drone flying, ArcGIS Pro, LiDAR visualization, as well as various remote sensing and digital modelling techniques.
He has been a teaching assistant for classes in Anthropology and Classics and Religious Studies including world archaeology, ancient empires, classical mythology, and introduction to the Bible: the New Testament. Additionally, he is an active member of the Tucson chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA).
Outside of academia, Colin enjoys teaching and practicing various styles of swing dancing (Lindy Hop, Charleston, East Coast Swing) and country swing. He misses Lake Erie and likes evening baseball games.
Recently Presented Papers
2025 Halmyris Site Guide. C. Omilanowski & N. Durant (copresenters). Opening Access to the Roman Provinces: RPAIG’s Site Guide and Wikidata Project (Workshop). 126th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, PA, January 2-5th.
2024 Creating the Social Network of the Self: Negotiating Marcus Agrippa’s Public Identities through his Inscribed Media. The Connected Past: Religious Networks in Antiquity, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 4th-6th
2023 The Monument of Agrippa: Social Memory and Victory in Augustan Athens, Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Religious Studies and Classics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, April 7th.
2023 Forgetting the Republican Forum: Social Memory and Landscape Transformation in the Roman Forum from the 1st c. B.C.E. – 1st c. C.E, 124th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, LA, January 5-8th.
2022 Normative Mithraism at the London Mithraeum, 118th Annual Meeting of CAMWS, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, March 23-26th.