Charlotte Dawson

Graduate Teaching Assistant

About Charlotte Dawson

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Sociocultural Anthropology with interests in Indigenous theory and methods, multispecies ethnography, political ecology, community archaeology, colonialism, and power. I received my BA in Anthropology and Art History from the University of Virginia in 2016 and received my MA in Anthropology at the University of Arizona in 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Lindsay Montgomery and Dr. Diane Austin. My MA thesis focused on the disjunctures between decolonial rhetoric and exhibition strategies at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. 

I have held various research assistantships which have included archaeological mapping and surveying, analysis of MMIW media coverage, and the development an equine-facilitated learning program. I am currently working as a research assistant on a Rockefeller-funded project with Dr. Michael Kotutwa Johnson which is focused on Indigenous agricultural seed repatriation, data sovereignty, and agricultural revitalization. I also work on an ongoing community archaeology project at Picuris Pueblo led by Dr. Lindsay Montgomery (U Toronto), Dr. Severin Fowles (Columbia), and Dr. Mike Adler (SMU). 

 I am currently developing dissertation research on buffalo/bison restoration programs on Tribal Nations under the supervision of Dr. Brian Silverstein.

Selected Publications

Kavadias, Dionisios, Charlotte Dawson, and Edith L.B. Turner. The Elderly Process: Edith Turner's Last Fieldsite. In The Intellectual Legacy of Victor and Edith Turner. Frank A. Salamone and Marjorie M. Snipes, eds. Pp. 89-106. Lexington Books. 2018.

Courses Taught

Teaching Assistantships: 

PA 331: Criminal Justice Ethics. Spring 2024 with Dr. Xavi Segura. 

ANTH 170B1: World Archaeology. Spring 2023 with Dr. Matthew Rowe 

ANTH 327: Dog Thought. Spring 2021 with Dr. Evan MacLean

ANTH 170C2: Animal Minds. Fall 2020, Fall 2021 with Dr. Evan MacLean

ANTH 310: Culture and the Individual. Spring 2020 with Dr. Brian Silverstein

ANTH 150C1: Humanity: A How-To Guide. Fall 2019 with Dr. Robert Schon