Linda Green

About Linda Green
I am a socio-cutural and medical anthropologist. In my scholarship I draw on insights garnered from over two decades of field-based research that has centered on multi-dimensional aspects of violence, directed in particular, against indigenous peoples in three geographical regions,1. in the rural highlands of Guatemala with Mayan widows from the counterinsurgency war and its aftermath that includes the long term consequences of state sponsored violence, 2. in the US Mexico borderlands and beyond as large numbers of Mayan people flee their rural communities seeking refugee in the US, itself a legacy of war, in which ethnocide has followed closely on the heels of a genocide; and 3. in rural Alaska working over the past decade among Yup’ik people on social disruptions intrinsic to settler colonial relations.
Selected Publications
1999 Fear as a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala. New York: Columbia University Press.
2013 Viviendo en miedo: las viudas mayas en los areas rurales de Guatemala, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala: Editoriales Pensativa. (translation)
2014 Betwixt and Between: Yup’ik Combat Soldiers and the Burdens of War Antonio DeLauri, Guest Editor, Antropología Anno X111:16:113-132.
2012 The Nobodies: Neoliberalism, Violence and Migration. Medical Anthropology 30(4):366-385.
2011 White Plague: Thinking through the Tuberculosis Epidemic In: Winne Lem, Pauline Barber, and Belinda Leach, eds. Confronting Capital: Essays in Honor of Gavin Smith New York and London: Routledge Press.
2008 A Wink and a Nod: Notes from the Arizona Borderlands. Dialectical Anthropology 32:161-177.
Courses Taught
ANTH 495/595 Anthropology of Migration and the US Borderlands
ANTH 695 Anthropology of War and Militarization
ANTH 603 Power and Violence in Central America and Mexico
Areas of Study
Mexico & Mesoamerica
Circumpolar Regions
Latin America & the Caribbean
Research Interests
Geographic Areas: Guatemala; US-Mexico border, Alaska
Topics: Historical political economy, indigenous rights, human rights, political violence, gender, medical anthropology, including general theory, critical medical anthropology, global health disparities and issues of power, inequality, and structural violence, social suffering, an anthropology of epidemics, the social effects of war and militarization
Other areas: Theory in anthropology, border issues, globalization, war and militarization, development, labor migration, issues of ethics and engagement.