Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest Mesoamerica

Jan. 24, 2025

New research by ASM's Associate Director, Dr. James T. Watson, was just published by the
University of Utah Press in Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest Mesoamerica (edited by Michael D. Mathiowetz John M. D. Pohl).

Coauthored with Cristina García Moreno and Danielle Phelps, their chapter, Selective Influence of West Mexico Cultural Traditions in the Ónavas Valley, Sonora, Mexico, explores how the Classic period community in Onavas,
Sonora selectively incorporated material culture (shell jewelry) and biocultural traits (cranial and dental modification) from influential traditions in West Mexico.

More information on the volume can be found here.