SoA Lecture Series: Dr. Ahmadou Ndiade


2 p.m., April 29, 2021

Thursday, April 29, 20212:00 p.m.Via Zoom
Title: Inside the World of USAID:  How Anthropologists Fit
Abstract: Viewed from a distance, USAID, with its relatively fast-paced, result-oriented focus, and the short temporality of its projects, seems hardly to be the place to accommodate the anthropological approach, which is often time-consuming, deliberate, disciplined and qualitatively subjective.
A deeper look, however, reveals that while the anthropological approach has not always been favored or recognized by USAID’s different development paradigms throughout history, it has nevertheless profoundly permeated its culture in an indelible way and its importance is now increasingly being recognized at all levels of project design, implementation, and in the Agency’s project sustainability strategies.
In this talk, Dr. Ndiade will focus mostly on some of the basic anthropological tools that the Agency uses to design, implement, and monitor programs and the crucial role they play in the very specific sector of humanitarian assistance.
For more information, contact: Dr. Mamadou Baro ( Catherine Lehman (