School of Sociology Brownbag Seminar: Dr. Megan Carney, “No Crisis is an Island: On Sicily as Both Italy/Europe and Not Italy/Europe”


Noon, Feb. 5, 2021
The UA School of Sociology is holding a Brownbag on Friday, February 5, 2021. The speaker will be Megan Carney, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona, and Fulbright Scholar (2020-21), Fulbright Schuman European Union Affairs Program  Her talk is titled “No Crisis is an Island: On Sicily as Both Italy/Europe and Not Italy/Europe”  You can find a description of Professor Carney's work and related links online at:…   The Sociology Brownbag will be held online via Zoom at the link below from 12:00-1:15PM: Zoom link: Zoom password: migration   Please find an abstract of Professor Carney's talk below:  In this talk, I will examine the significance of Sicily’s position on the front lines of migration to Europe. First, I briefly allude to the deeper history of the island, including centuries of colonization and occupation; extraction of labor and asymmetrical development compared to the rest of the Italian nation-state; and land dispossession, displacement, and emigration of siciliani. Second, I argue that these historical conditions and the more recent onset of intersecting crises such as economic austerity, migrant deaths at sea, and the Covid-19 pandemic, articulate with particular affective states—ways of feeling—that precede local acts of solidarity. I provide examples of repeated attempts to “responsibilize” siciliani to attend to social problems that have afflicted the island for decades, such as poverty and corruption in politics, as well as to respond to more recent migration and the pandemic. As modes of affective disciplining, these processes have ascribed a set of moral failings to siciliani—conceived as indebted, irresponsible subjects—that also operates to dehumanize and alienate them from Italy and the rest of Europe.   This information may also be found on the School of Sociology web page:…