OPAC Presents: What is Decolonization and Why Does it Matter? With Rowdy Duncan


7 p.m., Aug. 10, 2021

August 10, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Co-hosted by Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and Arizona Humanities Frank Talks
Free; Online via Zoom; Registration required (link below)
The history of colonialism and how to “decolonize” is a hot topic among Indigenous peoples and some scholars, including when it comes to archaeology. However, probably most members of the general public and even some professional archaeologists have no concept of why an understanding of colonialism is important. To fathom what decolonization means today, we first must understand historically what colonialism is, and how it has shaped our thinking and actions. In the Americas, who was, and who was not colonized? Colonialist thinking can permeate education, media, government policies, and our lived experiences every day. Colonialist thinking can empower some of us while disenfranchising, exploiting or marginalizing others. In what ways do we consciously or unconsciously engage in colonialist practices, beliefs, or concepts today? What steps can we take to begin to decolonize our thinking, and why does it matter? What is the cost to individuals or communities if we choose not to? What is the benefit to individuals or communities if we choose to “decolonize” our thinking and act differently? Join this interactive discussion about the impact of colonization and decolonization on the way we live and work together. Guest presenter Rowdy Duncan (Phoenix College and Anytown AZ) has worked in the field of diversity and inclusion for over a decade.
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rceytqDojGtUGEWlztiWz2Q7qQd…