Mamadou A. Baro

About Mamadou A. Baro
Dr. Mamadou serves as the chair of BARA (Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology) which is responsible for many successes in research and outreach presences in sub-Saharan Africa. He is an African-renowned applied anthropologist and an innovative researcher in the areas of land governance, climate change, resilience and participatory development. He has also worked over the last 30 years as a consultant for the United Nations agencies, the World Bank, IFAD, USAID, Care International, Oxfam, Save the Children, OMVS, Tango International and local non-governmental organizations. His African Partnerships Initiative has developed an innovative platform for channeling international assistance to poor Africans in rural and urban settings. BARA plans to create linkages with African partners, including government agencies and universities, and to use these networks to assess the needs of local communities, to promote local priorities for endogenous development, and to engage in problem-solving research that supports development interventions in these communities.
Areas of Study
Geographic Area of Interest: Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Interests
Applied research methodology, household livelihood security; land tenure; impact of structural adjustment policies on poor households.