RIHA Journal: 2023 Special Issue "The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era"

Sept. 25, 2023

An special edition guest-edited by Dr. Irene Romano (SoA Professor), “The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era” of RIHA Journal was published. You can download the paper from this link: https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/rihajournal/issue/view/5439.

Description: This publication was inspired by the 2017–2019 German/American Provenance Research Exchange Program (PREP). We hope that it will augment our understanding of the role of antiquities in the art world in the Nazi period, the aesthetics of National Socialism, antiquities collectors and dealers in Europe in the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, and the various ways in which antiquities changed hands during the precarious Nazi period. The articles also provide a wealth of bibliographic and other resources, as well as a framework for research methodologies that can be employed by other scholars examining works of ancient art and archaeological objects that have a history in the Nazi period.