Recent Publications: Watson and Haas Publish in Science Advances

Nov. 6, 2020
Watson Science Advances Cover

James Watson, ASM associate curator and UA associate professor of anthropology, and SoA alum Randall Haas (Ph.D. Arizona, 2014; Assistant Professor at UC Davis) are part of a multidisciplinary research team published in the Nov 4 issue of Science Advances. The article, “Female hunters of the early Americas,” describes the recent discovery of a 9000-year-old female hunter burial from the highland Andes in Peru. This discovery is accompanied by a meta-analysis of early burial practices across the Americas and reveals non-gendered labor in the early Americas with females as big-game hunters. This work overturns the long-held “man-the-hunter” hypothesis and is particularly timely considering contemporary conversations around gendered labor practices and inequality. In addition, a digital reconstruction of a female hunter scene produced by the graphics department at UC Davis appears on the cover of the issue. Read the article here.

Note: Please be aware that the article contains images of human remains.


Anthro News Digest date: 11//06/2020