OPAC Third Thursday: "A History of Arizona State Museum Research around Homol'ovi and at the Ancestral Hopi Village of Homol’ovi II "
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 19:00 to Monday, February 28, 2022 - 14:17
A History of Arizona State Museum Research around Homol'ovi and at the Ancestral Hopi Village of Homol’ovi II
Old Pueblo Archaeology Center will offer an April 15 Zoom presentation by archaeologist Richard C. Lange, who served as Associate Director of the Arizona State Museum Homol’ovi Research Program for over three decades, and will review the history of that program and the Winslow/Homol’ovi area. He will focus on the seven late ancestral-Hopi Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster villages that were founded in a roughly 140-year span between 1260 and 1400 CE. Much of these villages’ population probably came originally from the Hopi Mesas area and returned there when the Homol’ovi villages were no longer occupied on a regular basis. Rich will examine the unique role of Homol’ovi II, the largest and latest of the Cluster’s villages where excavations occurred in 1983–1984 and 1991–1995, and discuss how it was founded, when, and by whom. To register go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7XYH9D18QJaGbAYTkF-Zbg. For more information contact Old Pueblo at info@oldpueblo.org or 520-798-1201.