Clara Randimbiarimanana

Geronimo Building Room 316
About Clara Randimbiarimanana
Clara is a second year PhD student in Sociocultural Anthropology. Before joining the University of Arizona, she pursued my undergraduate studies at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania where she earned a bachelor’s degrees in International Affairs and Anthropology-Sociology. Her overall interests include the tendency of development practices and how it impacts local communities, intersecting with gender, youth development and education policies. Her previous research focused on language practices among young Malagasy people on a day-to-day basis and delved into how such practices may or may not affect their language ideologies. Her current project looks at the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on young Africans from South Africa, Namibia and Madagascar.
Prior to joining the University of Arizona, Clara served in few positions in the international development field through her positions with Management Systems International (MSI) and ESDA Friendly Haven located in Namibia. She was a Project Associate on USAID’s funded monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) project in Pakistan with Management Systems International (MSI) in Washington D.C. In another role, she supported USAID’s Solutions for Peace and Recovery (SPR) project, which aims to enhance social cohesion through participation of women and other marginalized groups in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Outside of Anthropology, Clara enjoys dancing, exploring African arts and fashion, and learning new languages.
Courses Taught
TA (Grading): ANTH 202 | Applying Anthropology in a Global Context - Spring 2020
TA (Grading): ANTH/SOC 310 | Culture and the Individual - Spring 2021